Coffee Brewing

A selection of goods to help you make the best of our quality coffees.


This reusable stainless steel filter replaces the need for paper filters.

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This professional grade, heavy duty coffee machine cleaner is one of the most widely used in the UK. It can be used to remove coffee oils and other residue and help prolong the life of your equipment.
Manufacturers recommend regular backflushing of your equipment as it is essential to the quality of your drinks and the hygiene of your coffee machine.

Please consult your coffee maker's instructions before the use of this product.



A standard shape but good quality stainless steel foaming jug with handle.

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Stainless Steel

Stainless steel knockout box by Concept Art.

Tall box: 120mm (w) 140mm (h) 120mm (d)

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This coffee maker looks like a thermos flask but checkout what is hidden inside. It has a grinder, a dripper with built-in filter, a jug ​​and a mug, and only weighs 470g
  • 270ml drip pouring container
  • Ceramic conical burr grinder
  • Etched stainless steel filter dripper
  • Dual-wall insulated cup
  • Height 215mm x width 105mm
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Contains one dose of grinder cleaning crystals



500 Commercial bleached filter papers.



Black wooden knockout box by Concept Art

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Contains 1 sachet (30g)

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Plastic group head cleaning brush to keep your espresso machine in tip top shape.



Filter cone for 1 cup of coffee

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Contains 80 unbleached filter papers

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