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Drury Leaf Teas

Drury Tea & Coffee

We currently stock well over 100 leaf teas, whether black, green or hand-crafted white. We also supply tisanes (herbal infusions), fruit and flavoured teas.

Our master tea blenders source these teas from the finest estates in the world, selecting the very best from India, Sri Lanka, China, Japan, East Africa and Taiwan.

See information on leaf types / Tea Brewing Tips

Although originally picked by trained monkeys back in the 18th century, this delicious, light oolong tea is now hand plucked by conventional pickers, preserving its unique orchid character.

A large leaf semi-fermented tea with a very pleasant flavour and superb aroma.


A black leaf that is blended with marigold petals and scented with peach flavouring.

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Black cherry flavoured tea

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Kukicha, also known as bōcha, is a Japanese green tea made from the stems, stalks, and twigs of the Camellia sinensis tea plant. It is a relatively low-caffeine tea, and has a mild, nutty, and slightly sweet flavour. Kukicha is often enjoyed for its calming and relaxing effects.

Kukicha is made from the parts of the tea plant that are typically discarded during the production of other teas. The stems and twigs are steamed and then roasted, which helps to reduce the caffeine content and develop the tea's characteristic flavour. Kukicha can be brewed multiple times, and each infusion will have a slightly different flavour.



The combination of rosehip and hibiscus flowers makes a refreshing, tangy drink which can be enjoyed hot or iced.

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Lemon flavoured tea with peel



Keemun, Oolong and Darjeeling teas carefully blended to produce a light liquoring tea with a distinctive aroma.



A fuller flavoured green tea, with a very distinctive and refreshing liquor. The unusual names comes from the tightly rolled appearance of the leaf, said to resemble grains of gunpowder.



Finest quality tea, grown in the Dabie Mountains and flavoured with jasmine flowers



Green tea with a full and robust flavour and liquor.

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A flat, large needle green leaf. A full-bodied, golden liquor with a sharp but slightly almond flavour.