Using our Shop

Using our Mail Order Shop

Welcome to our Mail Order web shop.
This is a short guide to help you get the best out of using this software.

Category Page Add To Basket

Our customers, we know loved the ability to purchase goods straight from the category page as this was always quicker then clicking into each product.

The feature on this system is called "Quick View" and is present if you select the four box icon at the top of the product area. ( See image below )

Saved Shopping Baskets

Customers also loved the ability to save shopping baskets. This was a brilliant feature on our old system.

On this new one once you have placed an order it creates a history of purchased products. If you then login to your profile and view orders there is a feature that allows you to re purchase.

Shopping Basket

At any time you can control your products by using the drop down at the top of the screen.

Wish List

You can use the Wish List to save products you would like to buy again.

Thank you for your patience.

Though our front end system has changed we can assure you that our products are still the same high quality goods you are used to.

Issues ?

If you are having any issues with using our web shop please know that we are happy to take your call and put through your order over the phone. ( 020 7740 1100 )

If you have anything to say please get in touch. We would prefer constructive criticism than deathly silence.

Best Regards

The Drury Tea & Coffee Co Ltd.



46-47 iO Centre Armstrong Road
Royal Arsenal
SE18 6AT
TEL. 020 7740 1100

Click here for Google Map
What 3 Words: ///bets.shins.flock


Mon - Fri : 8.00am - 4.30pm
Sat : Closed
Sun : Closed


( Permanently Closed )

3 New Row
Covent Garden
TEL. 020 7740 1100


Mon - Fri : Closed
Sat : Closed
Sun : Closed

We have closed our retail shop permanently but mail order service is still operational.

( Please note that our mail order is now run from our head office which is is a factory/warehouse setting. The only visits we can allow are pre-arranged meetings or Click & Collect purchases either by phone or online).